
Why WP Perks

Personalize your favorite plugins with powerful features and advanced

integrations. All with the click of a button!

Faster Launch

Save time and energy with existing code instead of creating your customizations from scratch.

More Perks Are Coming!

Got a question? Want to know how to make the most of the perks?
Paid support is only an email away!

More Perks Are Coming!

Created by Alex Rollin, GeoDirectory premium support lead.

More Perks Are Coming!

Got a hot idea? Get in touch to get your Perk built today!

Powerful Features, Amazing Support.


WPPerks saves you time and money. You don’t need a developer because you can use Perks to enable advanced features with the click of a button. There is even a new Perk that we use to make unlimited new integrations for GeoDirectory!

Ismi Aini – Geotourism.id


WPPerks has all the essential customizations we need for our GeoDirectory site. The Perks are immaculately developed and reliable. That makes WPPerks an incredible value.

Sheila – Creative Pittsburgh


Thanks a lot, you made my day! WPPerks has the best support I’ve experienced.

Asep, Yayasan Lokal Rute

You may be wondering…

What do I get with my Perk?

You receive access to updates for the plugin. Right now we will email you about available updates, but plan to institute a new automatic update system in the near future.

What if I need support or want a new feature?

If you need support or want to a request a new feature, both are available at a reasonable hourly rate. We are also planning to add a roadmap where you can request new features.

Are Perks updated regularly?

Yes, we do update them regularly with fixes and new features.

Do you offer refunds?

Due to the nature of the Perks as software we are unable to offer refunds.

Can I order new Perks?

Yes, we are happy to undertake new development for Perks released under GPL2 license.

More features than you can shake a wand at!

Join 100+ other folks who are already saving time and money with Perks!

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